Rediff Specials



Varsha Bhosle on justice, the Srikrishna Commission and selective leaks... More

Rajeev Srinivasan hails O V Vijayan's latest novel... More

Southern Spice Sizzling Stuff from Down Under... More

Pritish Nandy on politicians and villainy... More

Dilip D'Souza demands to see the Srikrishna Report... More

Vir Sanghvi on ministerial misdemeanour... More

V Gangadhar on sweets and communal harmony... More

Pritish Nandy on politicians and villainy... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on the Atal-Jaya road show... More

Capital Buzz. Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Manjula Padmanabhan on Hollywood Orthodoxy... More

Ashwin Mahesh on the solidarity of democracy... More

Varsha Bhosle on Hindutva, infiltration and nationalism... More

T V R Shenoy on Amma's whims and fancies... More

Amberish K Diwanji on why India needn't go nuclear... More

Short Takes Sizzling stuff from Bollywood... More

K V Bapa Rao condemns the defence ministry's doublespeak on Ghauri... More

Dilip D'Souza on the charge of the Sena's morality brigade... More

Pritish Nandy hails Amma's sagacity... More

Ashok Mitra on Vajpayee and Article 356... More

Southern Spice. Sizzling stuff from Down Under... More

Admiral J G Nadkarni (retd) on the need for limited conscription... More

Capital Buzz Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Dilip Thakore on prohibitive prohibition... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on Jaya and the art of laying landmines... More

Varsha Bhosle on why a ban on cow slaughter angers her... More

Mahesh Nair on why north India lags behind... More

T V R Shenoy blasts Gujral for skewed appointments... More

Pritish Nandy on rock and the Sena's guardians of morality... More

Dilip D'Souza on the Indo-Pak tango... More

Rajeev Srinivasan remembers April 13, 1919... More

Rajiv Shukla on videshi Vajpayee... More

Ashok Mitra on the EMS legacy... More

Dilip D'Souza on the tuitions racket... More

V Gangadhar on India's many new year's days... More

Pritish Nandy on the Young & the Restless... More

Southern Spice Sizzling stuff from Down South!... More

Admiral J G Nadkarni on Defence Budget blues... More

Capital Buzz Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Varsha Bhosle on Shabana Azmi and Iqbal Masud... More

T V R Shenoy on Mamata, Atal & Jyoti... More

Short Takes! Sizzling gossip from Bollywood... More

Ashwin Mahesh on regionalism and its consequences... More

Dilip D'Souza on the Srikrishna Commission Report... More

Rajiv Shukla on dissent in the BJP... More

Pritish Nandy on the bane of Swadeshi... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on the ruckus in the Sena... More

Capital Buzz. Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Amberish K Diwanji on the Middle Class Syndrome... More

T V R Shenoy on the Three Wise UF Men... More

Varsha Bhosle defends the death penalty... More

Dilip D'Souza on a great Indian invention... More

Ashok Mitra on the business of coalitions... More

Pritish Nandy on how nothing ever changes in Indian politics... More

Rajiv Shukla on how the Old Order Changeth... More

Varsha Bhosle glances at the Union Cabinet... More

Rajeev Srinivasan's travels among the believers... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on what Sonia must do next... More

Capital Buzz Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Shalabh Kumar on how the Indian electorate is trapped... More

T V R Shenoy on why the CPI-M wants to destabilise Vajpayee... More

Varsha Bhosle on the BJP's turn of luck... More

Dilip D'Souza on Holi shenanigans... More

Ashwin Mahesh on the pull of Mother India... More

Rajiv Shukla on why Indian voters are stupid... More

Amberish K Diwanji on the BJP's loony fringe... More

Pritish Nandy on the Hobson's Choice... More

Farzana Versey on the urge to sue... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on the BJP's friends and foes... More

Admiral J G Nadkarni(retd) on the IAF crisis... More

Capital Buzz Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Varsha Bhosle on the Bihari Bandicoot and other tales... More

Rajeev Srinivasan on three unusual 'feminists'... More

T V R Shenoy on why Vajpayee's the best... More

Manjula Padmanabhan on democratic rights and parking spaces... More

Dilip D'Souza on Crime and Politics... More

Pritish Nandy on crime and politics... More

Capital Buzz. Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Dilip D'Souza says two cheers for instability... More

Admiral J G Nadkarni (retd) on the Saffron Undervest... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on why Pawar holds the key... More

Shalabh Kumar argues for a composite vote test... More

V S Srinivasan's Short Takes from Bollywood... More

Varsha Bhosle on Democracy by calculator... More

Pritish Nandy on Altering the Mandate... More

Amberish K Diwanji on giving the BJP a chance... More

T V R Shenoy on the Fathers of Victory... More

Rajeev Srinivasan's Case for Action... More

Ashok Mitra on the Iraq Imbroglio... More

Rajiv Shukla on the Presidential dilemma... More

Ashwin Mahesh on Vajpayee's marathon... More

Dilip Thakore on why the Congress is best for reform... More

T V R Shenoy on the UP Fiasco... More

Hemant Kenkre mourns Raman Lamba... More

Varsha Bhosle on Conspiracy Theory... More

Pritish Nandy on Mahatma versus Gandhi... More

Capital Buzz. Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Shalabh Kumar on what ails Indian governance... More

T V R Shenoy on the Coimbatore blasts... More

Varsha Bhosle on the House of the Rising Son... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on why the BJP must sit in the Opposition... More

Dilip D'Souza pooh-poohs the BJP/Sena claims... More

Janardan Thakur on the dark horses... More

Varsha Bhosle on the Coimbatore blasts... More

Pritish Nandy on lies, damned lies and politics... More

Mahesh Nair on elections, funds and favours... More

V Gangadhar on the magic of romance... More

Professor U R Rao on the Indian crisis... More

Arun Nehru's election forecast... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on the Sonia enigma... More

T V R Shenoy on the politics of alignments... More

Dr M S Swaminathan on the culture of greed... More

Ashwin Mahesh wants Gujral disqualified... More

Dilip Thakore on Indian feats... More

Kamala Das on beauty, naturally... More

Dilip D'Souza on the Politics of Poverty... More

Ashok Mitra on Gujral and a fool's paradise... More

Farzana Versey on Michael Jackson... More

Rajeev Srinivasan on the Bill and Monica show... More

Dr N Bhaskara Rao on poll surveys, exit polls... More

Pritish Nandy on the men who will be PM... More

Janardan Thakur on the BJP's awesome twosome... More

K N Rao on Bill and Monica... More

Arun Nehru's weekly election forecast... More

Capital Buzz. Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Rajiv Shukla on candidates and criminals... More

T V R Shenoy on Comrades and the Congress... More

V Gangadhar on decibelitis and elections... More

Shalabh Kumaron secularism and the middle class... More

Prem Panickeron cricket, India and Pakistan... More

Amberish K Diwanjiattacks the politics of hate... More

Dr N Bhaskara Rao on the Performance Factor... More

Short Takes. Buzz from Bollywood... More

Pritish Nandy on Rogues & Scoundrels... More

Trevor Chesterfield on Akram's absence... More

Farzana Versey on meddling middlemen... More

K N Rao's astroforecast... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on Sonia and untendered apologies.. More

Arun Nehru on dynasties and kitchen cabinets... More

V Gangadhar on Gandhi versus the Mahatma... More

T V R Shenoy on why Sonia did not contest the Amethi seat... More

Varsha Bhosle defends Bal Thackeray... More

Rajeev Srinivasan on the Mahatma's philosophy... More

Dilip D'Souza on the Mahatma's legacy... More

K Bhaskaran on the Calcutta Syndrome... More

Kamala Das believes elections in India are rigged... More

Dilip Thakore on Sena Inc... More

V S Srinivasan's Short Takes from Bollywood... More

Ashwin Mahesh's three wishes from the government... More

Ashok Mitra on how India can avoid catching the Asian Flu... More

Farzana Versey damns family values... More

Dilip D'Souza on a change of face for the BJP/Sena... More

N Bhaskara Rao surveys the polls ahead... More

K N Rao's poll forecast... More

Capital Buzz. Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on the BJP and Sonia... More

Hemant Kenkre on the cricket board's commitment to committees... More

T V R Shenoy on the UF's lust for power... More

Varsha Bhosle on secularists and their follies... More

V Gangadhar says to sir, with love... More

Manjula Padmanabhan on screensavers & other evil gismos... More

Dilip D'Souza on politicians and priorities... More

Shashi Warrier on the ancient art of computing... More

Amberish K Diwanji on Sonia and middle class hypocrisy... More

Shalabh Kumar on how the Indian voter's on test... More

Pritish Nandy on one-day politics... More

Farzana Versey on why Indians cannot handle western women... More

Capital Buzz. Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Rajiv Shukla asks why Gujral is so confident... More

V Gangadhar on melodies from far away... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on the Dynasty... More

T V R Shenoy on the SPG, Sonia and Priyanka... More

Varsha Bhosle on the Alien Resurrection... More

Amrit Mathur on cricket and nationalism... More

A Ganesh Nadar on the war of words... More

Pritish Nandy on the media as villain... More

Dilip D'Souza on the tragedy of traffic accidents... More

Kamala Das on taming servants... More

Rajiv Shukla on why the Congress must project Manmohan Singh as its leader... More

Rajeev Srinivasan on Mifune and Kubrick... More

Farzana Versey on Calcutta, City of Woes... More

Ashok Mitra on the media and its commissars... More

Capital Buzz. Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

V Gangadhar on how Jayalalitha will do well in the poll... More

Saisuresh Sivaswamy on the Congressisation of the BJP... More

T V R Shenoy on how tough it is to become a Lok Sabha MP... More

Manjula Padmanabhanon Rushdie and Blighty... More

Varsha Bhosle on critics, parenthood and other issues... More

Dilip D'Souza on how he conquered unease... More

Dilip Thakore feels the election has saved Maruti... More

K Bhaskaran on the state of Indian soccer... More

Ashwin Mahesh argues the need for a voluntary Uniform Civil Code... More

Farzana Versey on maintaining men... More

Pritish Nandy joins the Azza-Sachin debate... More

Capital Buzz. Political gossip from the Delhi Durbar... More

Rajiv Shukla on Ayodhya, the forgotten issue... More

V Gangadhar on love stories, lost forever... More

Varsha Bhosle's Hot Air Awards, 1997... More

T V R Shenoy asks who's afraid of Sonia... More

Hemant Kenkre on Indian cricket: For better or verse... More

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