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Commentary/Mani Shankar Aiyar

Babudom and the Charter of Ethics

With apologies to Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet

A conference of chief secretaries of the states and Union Territories, held in New Delhi under the chairmanship of the Cabinet secretary, has proposed a Charter of Ethics for the civil services

New Report.

And then came they to the clearing in the Forest,

And, Lo! There is its midst

Didst sit the Prophet of Hardenahalli

Deep in meditation,

And they didst disport themselves around Him

And waited for His eyes to open.

And, behold, one eye didst open quizzically

And the Cabinet secretary didst answer:

"We be the Lost Tribe of the IAS,

Long have we wandered in the Forest of Tears

'Neath tangled boughs of Temptation,

By thickets of Corruption and Vice,

Stepping gingerly o'er tendrils of Nepotism,

Pursued by Fiends in the form of Politicians.

Come we now to Thee.

Speak to us, Master! Of Ethics."

And He raised His head,

And rubbed His eyes,

And stretched His arms,


And spoke He thus to his People.

"Remember thou art the Steel Frame.

Rusted thou shalt not be.

Thou wert born not of mortal woman's womb

But art twice-born of the UPSC."

"Yea, Master, " didst they reply.

And He spoke further:

"When thou receivest bread

Look thou to both sides of it

To see which side be buttered."

Heed thou with care the Merit List

For it containest the names,

Both 'fore and after thine,

Of thy Enemies.

For thou shalt be elbowed out

Not by One

Of an earlier Merit List

Not of a Later

But One from thine own.

"And look ye

To learn of the uses of

The Hammer

And the Stiletto.

And study ye Anatomy

And learn ye Protocol,

For when thou standest in queue

Take thou care to stand behind thy Rival

And learn where on the Head thou must

In due course hit him

And where on the Back thou must

In due course stab him."

And the People were moved.

And one more brave stirred among them

And said, "Speak to us of Transfers."

And the Prophet of Hardenahalli dist make reply:

"Not merely must thou know

Where the Pickings be Good

But also where they be Meagre.

And ask not only where thou wouldst go

But also where thou wouldst send the Other.

For when thou suckest up,

As the Bee doth,

From the Nectar of one Ministerial Cup

And every other,

Ask not for immortality for thyself alone

But morality for he who snappeth at thy tail. "

"Smile while harbouring hatred in thy heart

And learn thou to bow and bend and scrape thy brow,

And if thou were first born with bone in thy spine

Seek thou a transplant made of India rubber,

For forget not ever that thou be Twice Borne."

And wiping tears of joy from his eyes,

One more daring than the others said:

"Speak to us now

Of Promotions."

And the Prophet of Hardenahalli spoke:

"Thou started thy Journey

In a Train that deraileth not before its Destination.

Its stages are marked in advance

And none can halt thy progress,

Nor the timing of it.

But if thou wouldst get ahead,

List not to the Timetable of Destiny

But make thou thine own Timetable

Which will get you there afore your time.

Know thou then the whim of thy Minister

And cater thou to his fancy

And watch with beady eye the opening

That will accelerate the pace of thy progress.

And when opportunity doth knock

Hide thou this intelligence from others

And before the Other enters

Fawn thou and beg favour.

For remember

This the early Bird

That catcheth the Worm.

Be thou the first Worm

To catch the early Bird."

And they did bow and bend and scrape their brow

And asked:

"Speak now to us of Integrity."

And the Prophet said:

"Be gone you Fools

With your idle chatter.

We have work to do --

For it now be time to sleep."

And He closed His eyes

And sunk into deep reflection.

And one by one

The Lost Tribe of the IAS

Slunk back into the Forest of Tears

'Neath tangled boughs of Temptation,

By thickets of Corruption and Vice,

Stepping gingerly o'er tendrils of Nepotism,

Pursued by Fiends in the form of Politicians.

Mani Shankar Aiyar

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